Towards the defeat of the Japanese Imperial Army at the end of the Pacific War, the Japanese occupation forces in Indonesia Indonesia tries to attract popular support by establishing Dokuritsu Junbi Cosakai (Indonesian: "Business Investigation Agency Preparation of Independence" or BPUPK, which later became BPUPKI, with the addition of "Indonesia") .
This body held its first session from 29 May (which will finish on June 1, 1945). Meeting was opened on May 28, 1945 and discussions began the next day May 29, 1945 with the basic theme. The first meeting was held in the CAC building at Jalan Pejambon 6 In Jakarta which is now known as Pancasila Building. In the Dutch period, the building is a building Volksraad (Indonesian: "Representatives").
After a few days do not have a bright spot, on June 1, 1945, Bung Karno's turn to present his ideas on the basis of the independent Indonesian state, which he called "Pancasila". Speech that is not prepared in advance in writing was adopted unanimously by all members Dokuritsu Junbi Cosakai.
Furthermore Dokuritsu Junbi Cosakai subcommittee formed to formulate and develop the Constitution with reference to the Bung Karno's speech. Nine committee was formed (consisting of Ir. Sukarno, Mohammad Hatta, Mr. AA Maramis, Abikoesno Tjokrosoejoso, Abdul Kahar Muzakir, Agus Salim, Ahmad Soebardjo, Hasjim Wahid and Mohammad Yamin) assigned to redefine the Pancasila as the basis of the State speech Bung Karno said on June 1, 1945, and make the document as text to proclaim the independence of Indonesia.
After going throughthe trial process and the formulation of lobbying finally excavated Bung Karno Pancasila is successfully formulated for inclusion in the Preamble to the Constitution of 1945, which ratified and declared valid as the basis for an independent state of Indonesia on August 18, 1945 by BPUPKI.
In the preface to the posted speech, which was first published in 1947, former Chairman Dr BPUPK. Radjiman Wedyodiningrat called speech Ir. Soekarno it contains "The Birth of the Pancasila".( source
Pancasila is the ideology of the nation. The symbol of an eagle which has 17 feathers on each wing, eight tail feathers, and feathers on the neck 45. This is the date of independence, August 17, 1945. Foot eagle clutching a series Unity in Diversity, which is significantly different but still one. Part three of the five precepts which are under sentence of national unity.
When coloring eagle, should not be arbitrary. There is a meaning that is loaded. The main colors are red and white flag symbolizes the country. Shield on the chest eagle symbolizes the defense. Diagonal black line represents the equator. Plus symbols on the shield which is the interpretation of the contents of Pancasila.
Wide range of activities to commemorate the birth of Pancasila:
The birth of Pancasila Day, Friday (1/6) as many as 45 students from West Nayu II SDN and SDN Munggung I Surakarta state symbol coloring in a piece of paper. Underneath, they also wrote five precepts Pancasila, respectively.
A number of Muslim scholars attended the lectures in the building of Muhammadiyah, 62 Jalan Menteng, Central Jakarta. This time the theme of study is somewhat different: Pancasila and discuss the present condition of Indonesia. This theme was held to commemorate the birth of Pancasila.
The event starts at 19.00 pm, Friday (06/01/2012), was attended, among others, Chairman of Muhammadiyah Din Syamsuddin, the former chairman of Muhammadiyah, a former chairman of the Assembly Amien Rais, Vice Chairman of the Assembly Hadjriyanto Y Thohari, former Chairman of the Constitutional Court Jimly Ash -shiddiqie, former NU chairman Hasyim, former Mahadi Sinambela Affairs, former vice chairman of the People's Consultative Assembly AM Fatwa, a former chairman of the DPP PAN Soetrisno Bachir, chairman of the MUI Amidhan, and vice chairman of the MPR Farhan Hamid. (source Detiknews. com).
Hundreds of Blitar, East Java, gathered in the town square to commemorate birth of Pancasila. Uniquely, warning it carried with Grebeg cone carnival culture.
Since morning, dozens of various kinds lined cone. There are five cone describing the precepts on Pancasila and the base represents the state. While residents dressed in traditional Javanese carrying cone. The event begins with the reading of the text Pancasila by Mayor Samanhudi Anwar.
residents believe the cone is a blessing, increase the provision, bestow health, and best-selling selling. They then paraded around the cone to the city. Once arrived at the location of the tomb of Bung Karno, residents scramble immediately thrust cone.(Source
Governing Democratic Party of Indonesia Struggle (PDIP) and the Society of Soekarno Wonogiri (PSW) to hold activities to commemorate birth of Pancasila separately.Officers and members of the security guards unit (task force) PDIP Wonogiri flag raising ceremony held in the Office pages DPC Wonogiri PDIP, Bulusulur, Wonogiri, Friday (06/01/2012). While PSW tirakatan held at the house of one of its members in Joho, Village Giriwono, District / County Wonogiri.
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