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  • Thursday, June 7, 2012

    Police Killed, In the hands of Prisoner


    Asahan - A police officer in Asahan, North Sumatra, was shot dead himself by using his gun. The incident occurred while trying to catch two inmates who escaped from the Penitentiary (Prison) Labuhan Ruku, Monday (04/06/2012).

    Brigadier Wahidin Zahri, (28), who served in the Police Force Sabhara Asahan, died, after a hot lead from weapons fire through the solar plexus.
    The incident began when Brigadier Wahidin Zahri is conducting the escort of prisoners from the District Court (PN) range to the prison Labuhan Ruku.

    Arriving at the prison, two prisoners, namely Antoni aka Anton, and Ali Syaputra, robbery and rape convict, trying to escape.
    Wahidin with prison officials tried to chase the two inmates who escaped prison in addition to oil palm plantations, as he fired warning shots. Nahas for Wahidin, he tripped and fell to the ground. S

    eeing this, the offender possessed a weapon and stole Wahidin seized and shot five times.
    Wahidin colleagues were berusha took him to General Hospital (Hospital) range, North Sumatra, but one hit in the midriff of him died on the spot.
    Wahidin finally brought the corpse to the hospital to do the autopsy report, to be brought into the house next duka.Sementara that both actors, have been arrested Asahan Police ranks and is now secured in prisons Labuhan Ruku. (source okezone.com )

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