PT Trikomsel Oke Tbk (TRIO) will hold the issuance of new shares or rights issue. With penerbitakan new shares, the distributor of this phone can reach Rp 1.07 trillion.
Based on information submitted to the stock, Trikomsel will issue new shares as much as 1.2549 billion shares. The new shares will be divided into two series of the series A and series B.
Series A shares issued as many as 311.5 million shares with a nominal value of Rp 100. While the rest as much as 943.4 million series B shares. Price of new shares are offered at Rp 856 per share.
This new offering will begin to be done from 2 to July 6, 2012 next. Series A shares will be traded with the code TRIO-R while the series B-R2 with TRI0 code.
As reported previously KONTAN, issuance of new shares for the acquisition of Global Teleshop. Distributors and retailers of telecommunication products post-acquisition is hoped to develop a network in 175 cities in 33 provinces.
TRIO Management also expects its market more widely Teleshop Global market for the majority of middle to top, while TRIO majority in the lower middle market.
sumber, reviewer;bang mul
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