Sleeping is something very special. We are so familiar with this term. Ask anyone on this earth, is there anything that does not bear close my eyes all the time? No. All humans need sleep to rest my eyes and resting the body.
"It was he who made the dress for you tonight, and sleep for rest, and he made the day for rising." (Al-Furqan: 47).
Others say sleep is part of the process of refreshing the soul. So close we are to sleep, then make us think and believe that the end of the bed tomorrow we can certainly get up again, and immediately begin daily activities. Just ask ourselves. Surely we too have the same beliefs.
In one night, at the end of the bed, I pondered the words of Allah in Surah Yasin: 51-54, which tells of the rise of the people of the 'long sleep'.
"And ditiuplah sangkalala, then all of a sudden they come out quickly from the sepulcher of their Lord. They say: "Woe to us! Who has awakened us from our sleeping-place? "This is what the Merciful promised and true apostles. With just one cry only, then all of a sudden they all gathered to Us. So on that Day, will not be harmed at all and you are not repaid, except by what you did. "
I little thought. Thinking about sleep, as bedtime. This time, there was peace in the heart. We surrender to the Forgiving. We surrender to the Owner sleep. If we have to sleep for eternity, until the time the day of Resurrection, we surrender. For we know that Allah is Forgiving, Merciful. And we hope, at the end of this bed, God gives forgiveness and mercy for us.
"And He it is Who takes your souls at night, and He knows what you do during the day, then he wake you up during the day for an enhanced pre-defined age, then to Allah is your return, and He will tell you what ye do. "(al An'am: 60).
TIPS before bedtime :
* Sleep In Case Berwudlu: Get used to sleeping in a state has wudlu. Who knew our lives in a state berwudlu revoked. Not bad, to reduce the torment of the grave, and who knows to be an effective protector of all our evils bad consequences.
Once we get used berwudlu before bed, just in case we also will not be used to keep wudlu just before bed, but also throughout the activity. Because we do not know, whether our lives when we closed his eyes removed, or just when we open our eyes.
* Prayer Sunnah of Repentance, 2 cycles: Cover the night with two rak'ahs prayed repentance. And keep this habit as we are closing night before bed.
As humans, there are so many sins that we are aware or not aware of. As humans, there are so many faults and vices that we intentionally or not our purpose.
Then it becomes important to get used to pray sunnah Tawbah, although only 2 cycles before bed. That God may deign to give forgiveness.
Who knows, too, in the morning until the next night, those of us who are accustomed to pray sunnah Tawbah, will be ashamed when doing the same immoral anymore. Calculations, we pray the sunnah Tawbah every day, but it's still sinners also do every day?
* Reading the Qur'an: Read the Qur'an, a two-paragraph item. And hopefully be able to read one of two or more pieces of the Koran, as the closing activity during the day.
On the Greatness of God we hope that the promised paradise of God, would miss us, because we want and love to read the Qur’an every night.
On the Greatness of God is also our hope, our time is used to read the Koran every night before bed, and not trained to maintain the attitude to always berstandarkan al Qur'an.
* By the remembrance of Sleep: Before bed, a time of remembrance with a bedtime of recitation. For example, the sentence monotheism (la ilaha illallah). Or get used to reading the blessings on the Prophet, such as cor shalli 'ala wa sayydinâ Muhammadin over.
Or remembrance whatever. All of remembrance, from right, God willing, will bring peace and blessings of life. Ask more info on this remembrance to the scholars, clerics, to obtain further guidance.
Good thing when we get used to read the heart of remembrance, to sleep by itself: Subhanallah thanks our Allah akbar Wala ilaha illallah Allaah.
For anyone who want to remembrance before bed, then Allah has destined lives when sleep deprived, who knows this brief remembrance that would be our savior, as a means husnul khatimah.
* Beristighfar By Sleep: The Prophet narrated istighfar (astaghfirullâhal 'adzîm) as much as 70x (at least) a day, admitted to love the Prophet ( rosulullah ). Even if that is the beloved Messenger of Allah, was pleased to ask for forgiveness, get istighfar, we do not want to cook?
Who knew we close the evening with istighfar, can erase our sins during the day until bedtime. And who knows this as well as with other previous tips, which can be a means riyadhah build a love of the Deity.
* Pray By Sleep: Get used to pray, and pray for the mother's father, son and descendant of the family, and friends and all Muslims Muslimat mu'minin mu'minat, before bed. Do not forget to also pray for God's woken up at night, to enforce tahajjud prayer.
Because the prayer that God wills to give tahajjud droplets glory, wealth, sufficiency, health, tranquility, and relief. Especially for those with problems, and have one of two wishes that have not been reached.
Subhanallah, if we can do the 6 tips above, then we are doomed to die in God in our sleep, who knows Allah SWT, Most Forgiving, forgive us all because we closed the day with us as well.
source, /ustd; yusuf .M/reviewer;bang mul