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  • Thursday, September 13, 2012

    If Israel Attack Iran then Israel will be ERASED FROM THE WORDL MAP…..

    Residents urged Israel not attack Iran

    More than 400 Israelis have signed an online petition contains a request to Air Force pilots to disobey if ordered Israel to bomb Iran

    The petition asks the pilot to use common sense in the face of what they call the plan a gamble wrong.The document says, "Right now our fate is in your hands."

    The petition was issued when speculation Israeli attack on Iran's nuclear facilities even louder.

    Israeli officials say they are ready for war with Iran for a month.

    "According to our calculations, a war against Iran will run for 30 days," said Matan Vilnai, Israel's defense minister in an interview with Maariv newspaper, on Wednesday (15/08).

    Vilnai said the battle will occur in some places and adding an Iranian missile attack may be killed some 500 Israelis.

    "From our discussions with the experts, the number of casualties on our side about 500 people," he said.

    But Vilnai said the attack on Iran's nuclear facilities will be coordinated with the government in Washington.

    Israel believes that Iran's nuclear program ultimately aimed at developing nuclear weapons, while the government in Tehran insists that the program is solely for peaceful purposes.

    source www.bbc.co.id, reviewer; bang mul

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