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  • Saturday, July 28, 2012

    Dream of becoming a rich man ..... what is possible!!! Are there rich people who want to share ???


    Short stories to be rich and able to fulfill every wish is a dream of every human being and that I think is reasonable.

    As I also have dreams to become rich, I really want to be rich to feel what's it like? Might be able to eat well, buy expensive clothes and I can share with others, perhaps.

    Sometimes this feeling envious of the wealthy people I do not why they can be, whether because of fate, heredity or because of destiny.

    Finally, I also dreamed of supposing someone willing to donate noble / generous to share a little treasure to me so that I could feel like a rich man ....... what the heck this dream may seem silly but paced life in this world could possibly happen ... ... is there anyone in the world this noble and generous to share / donate a little treasure to me .....???

    For the noble philanthropist, who wanted to give me a little fortune to be contacted via email address: bangmul611@gmail.com.

    My only hope of hundreds of millions of the rich / wealthy in this world who want to share with me, I just wanted to be rich is good or not, what kind of feeling that the rich are still rich after becoming concerned with other people ...... .

    Finally I would like to thank you for the wealthy noble enough to share with me ..........

    May God bless us all ..... Amien .......


    1. the key of success are make your parents happy,work hard and pray to Allah

      1. but fate and luck always says another .. I spent a lot of things have turned out in this world nothing is free ... to open the business of capital is not exist


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